adaptive filters


Started in: 
Georg Holzmann
Gerda Strobl
GNU General Public License (GPL)
Programming language: 
C, Pd

adaptive is a Pure Data external library for adaptive systems and filters.

An adaptive system tries to learn from signals of the past. Mostly it is a simple FIR filter, whoes coefficients can be learned to model or predict an other system.
Some applications: system identification, echo cancellation, linear prediction, interference cancellation, self-tuning control, ...

For a lecture at the TU-Graz we implemented various versions of the LMS and NLMS algorithm (= least mean square and normalized least mean square adaptation algorithm).
We also added a lot of examples (see PD-patches in example folder): system identification, interference cancellation, adaptive equalization, decision-directed equalization, ...

For more documentation look through the help and example patches!

Release Tarball: 
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